Brandon & Jenna

Friday, June 15, 2012

My Summer Project : The Beginning

         School is finally out for the summer! (Hallelujah!!!) Now it's time for me to begin my main summer project, aka: setting up my very first classroom! My parents are up this week to help me and so last night I brought them and Brandon to see my classroom for the first time. (Though I basically had to drag Brandon kicking and screaming because the Oklahoma Thunder were playing that night). We all piled into the car and headed down to Spanish Fork to Canyon Elementary.

         Here are some pictures of my empty canvas ready and waiting for me to fill it with cutesie bulletin boards, and learning centers into a place that will (hopefully) make my students excited to come to class and to learn. I will be posting pics throughout the summer to show how it is progressing. I have decided on a classroom theme which I'm pretty excited about, which I'm going to see if it becomes apparent as the room takes shape. So keep checking back in regularly to see our progress!

Best picture of most of the room.

Brandon showing off.