Brandon & Jenna

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A Greater Plan Than Mine....

"Trust in the Lord with all thine heart and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct thy path." - Proverbs 3:5-6

      This has always been one of my favorite scriptures. Growing up I had this scripture above my bed and every night my mom would have me say this scripture before going to bed. Though I had the words of the scripture memorized at a very young age it wasn't until I was older that the meaning of the words really sunk into my soul. 
        Those of you who know me really well know that I am a planner and kind of  a control freak. I like to have everything mapped out and in order. (If you are questioning this feel free to take a look at my freakishly detailed lesson plan book for school). I like to know what, when, and how things are going to happen. That way I can prepare myself accordingly. I can't stand it when there is no schedule, no order to life and even worse is when I have no control over what happens. 
         Relying on others has never been of of my strong points. Sure there were the class projects in school where we are all forced to rely on others for our grades (which I  always hated), or the church callings which had me delegate responsibilities. But when it comes to the important aspects of my life I like to be the one calling the shots. Once I knew what I wanted to do I would always set my sights on it, map out a plan of how and when I exactly I would achieve that particular goal. 
         But there are moments in my life when Heavenly Father likes to remind me that I don't have to do it all myself. In fact I can't do it all. What has always been one of the most difficult things for me to accept is that no matter how much I try to plan out each and every detail of how things should happen in my life, sometimes 
          His plan is better than anything that I could have ever imagined. It is at times like these that the scripture that I recited each night without fail comes back to me at the most random of moments. There are things in this life that we do not understand why they happen (or don't happen) the way that we want. If we can just let go and put our trust in our Father in Heaven then we will be so much happier in the long run. And even though we cannot see it with our limited mortal perceptive, He truly will direct us onto the path that will bring us the most joy to come.