Brandon & Jenna

Sunday, October 26, 2014

Week 14

 This post is the first of hopefully many posts to show my growing baby bump. So, far, I don't really see much of a bump. I'm more in the awkward " I feel fat in everything" stage but not quite to the "I have a cute little baby bump" stage. Luckily, I don't feel like I look as fat as I feel just yet (though you will have to be the judge on that). 
  I did think it would be fun to document my growing bump and how I'm feeling throughout my pregnancy, so I borrowed these questions from a friend of mines blog. Just like the rest of my blog this is really just for me so I can remember how I felt/looked down the road, but I also love being able to share my thoughts with family and friends. :) 

Sorry about it being so blurry. This is me at 14 weeks!

How far along? 14 weeks 1 day. Yay second trimester!!!
Total weight gain/loss: Um I'm not sure, I'm still gaining back the weight I lost during the first trimester. ugh. 
Maternity clothes?  Not yet. 
Stretch marks? No
Sleep: I've been sleeping ok. I usually wake up at least once or twice during the night but I'm able to go back to sleep fairly easily. 
Best moment this week: Going to Cornbelly's with my family yesterday and not feeling sick! It was AMAZING to get out with other people and feel human again! I also really enjoyed getting to go back to work this back week! I have sure missed my class a lot! 
Have you told family and friends: Yes
 Miss Anything? - Sweets, this baby doesn't seem to like sugar very much, much to my dismay. 
Movement: Not yet
Food cravings: Nothing really, I have really like eating apples . 
Anything making you queasy or sick: Ha! Almost everything! I am doing much better, though the hayride yesterday probably wasn't the best idea. I also have been getting really carsick which I never used to do. 
Have you started to show yet:  I FEEL like I have but I'm not sure if it shows. 
Gender prediction: I'm guessing girl. Only a girl could cause her mother this much distress this early on. ;)
Labor Signs: No, thank goodness!
Belly Button in or out? in
Wedding rings on or off? On
Happy or Moody most of the time: I would like to say happy but you might want to ask Brandon for a more accurate idea. ;)
Weekly Wisdom: I've been told that this is the best type of sick there ever is and that it is all worth it is the end. Let's hope they're right. 
Looking forward to: Not feeling so sick all the time!!!! It's has been wonderful to feel like a human again these last few days!

Our News

I'm sure most of you have seen our Facebook post but for those of you who might have missed it, there is some exciting things in store for the Reid family. This is how we decided to announce it on Facebook.

We are so excited for our newest addition who is scheduled to arrive April 25th. But I seriously doubt that he/she will arrive when they are supposed to. If I have learned anything so far, it's that this baby has a  mind of its own and will do things when and how they choose!