Brandon & Jenna

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Deep in the Heart of Texas

We're moving to Texas!! 
                Ok, it's only for the summer, but still I'm pretty excited to be leaving Utah for a while.  Brandon was offered an internship at a company called National Instruments in Austin. 
        Let me take a moment and brag about my incredibly brilliant and talented husband. Brandon interviewed at several major companies and was offered a couple of different positions but NI was the company he really wanted to work for and was really excited when they offered him a position. I couldn't be more proud of everything that he has accomplished and is working toward. 
     The internship lasts for three months and Brandon will go down in the middle of May and get set up and start working and then I will follow him in June when I have finished with my school year. (It will be a little weird not having him with me for that period but thank goodness for modern technology so that we will be able to stay in touch easily.) Plus, it will be a new experience for me living away from any family/friends for the first real time in my life. 
        I'm curious to see if Texas lives up to all the hype I hear from any and everyone who has ever lived there. (Way to set my expectations really high guys).  Those of you who have any suggestions on anything that we might want to visit/do down there let me know!