Brandon & Jenna

Thursday, July 19, 2012

My Summer Project : Turing Chaos into Order

So many books, so unorganized...
Here are some pictures of the progress that has been made so far on my room.  Many hours have all gone into making this room and though it isn't done yet it is much better than when we started. 
So many books!! (And about four other boxes full not pictured)

Organizing all of the books.

Doesn't it look SOOO much better?

The guys hanging the fabric on the bulletin boards.

What manly men!

Fabric: check!

Trying to get into character....


Brandon gained experience in the fine art of bulletin boarders.

Front of the room.

Big bulletin board and rug

Brandon was a little tired after all his hard work.

Dad put up the number wall

We divided the large bulletin board into thirds

Calendar Board

Get Hooked on Reading!

Word Wall

Enter at yer own risk matey.

Monday, July 16, 2012

I'm Going to the Olympics!!

 Ok so I'm not going to be heading to London anytime soon but on our way back to Utah we drove back with Brandon's parents and younger sisters and made a pit stop in Colorado Springs to visit his sister Jamie for a couple of days. While we were there we did go to the Olympic Training Center there in Colorado Springs which was really interesting. We got to see where some of the Olympians trained and lived throughout the year. 
Trying to be Olympians.

Brandon's niece could fit under the statue.

Countdown to the Olympics

Olympic Champions!

Oklahoma Vacation

    Wow have the last few weeks been Crazy!  A couple of weeks ago Brandon and I made a trip out to Oklahoma to visit his parents/sisters and to give me a chance to see his hometown. (Yes, it did take me almost an entire year of marriage to finally see where my husband grew up, shame on me... moving on....) I will admit right now that I wasn't sure what to expect. Growing up in California and having the beach and Disneyland so close you kind of get the opinion that nothing, and I mean NOTHING will even remotely compare  (yes we Californians do have snobbish of opinions about ourselves ;).  Anyway I couldn't have been more wrong, it was soo beautiful out there. It was so green and had so many trees!!  If it weren't for the humidity that plagued us the entire trip I wouldn't mind living out there.

      We also went with his parents, his sister Jamie and her two kids (who were also visiting for a few days from Colorado), and his sister Sharon and her husband Craig with their two kids to one of the area's main attractions Woolaroc. Woolaroc is museum and wildlife preserve and was so beautiful. We happened to come on a day where they were having KidsFest and so there were plenty of things for us to do. They had a petting zoo, inflatable slides, and games. It was fun to just sit back and watch the kids have fun. That being said we were all happy to head home after a couple of hours (100 degree weather plus humidity will do that to you.)

  We really did have a fun week with Brandon's family and it was a great time for me to get to know them a little bit better.  I made Brandon take me to all of the places he frequented growing up such as his elementary school, high school, where he worked etc. it was fun.

Brandon helping his niece and nephew feed the buffalo ((It's a statue that you feed trash to)

I could see forever!

Not a great picture but there were these crazy painted buffaloes all around Bartlesville.

Braum's = one of the greatest places to get ice cream ever!

Brandon really enjoyed his ice cream. lol