Brandon & Jenna

Wednesday, August 8, 2012

How It All Began..... Our Story (Jenna's Version)

    As we celebrated our one year wedding anniversary this past weekend it made me reflect on just how far we have come and how I have never officially documented how Brandon and I met, our first date etc. So here it is, better late than never right?
    Brandon and I have a similar story of how we met as many couples at BYU do, that is we were in the same singles ward together.  However, I like to think that our story has a little bit of spice and is just a little bit different. In fact, the beginning of our story really doesn't have very much to do with either Brandon or myself ;)

  It was fall semester of 2010 (I can't believe it's really been that long!) when I moved into Cox apartments and in the  BYU 117th ward. I was a sophomore at BYU and was looking forward to having a fun, laid back year that included school, friends and lots of boys :) I had lucked out with the best roommates in the world and was having a good time. Well, as in any LDS ward our apartment was assigned two hometeachers  who would come visit us girls each month and share a spiritual lesson with us and see if there was anything that they could do to help us.  Well it just so happens that we had two very awesome hometeachers who got along really well with our apartment. We got along so well in fact that to make a long story short (because it doesn't have much to do with OUR story) that a couple of months into the semester one of my roommates Erin became really good friends with and eventually began dating one of our hometeachers Nathan. Because of this she would often want us (the roomies) to go to the his apartment with her to hang out with him and some of his roommates. 

   Being the loving, supportive roommate that I was I would often go along with her. My motives weren't exactly pure however, because I happened to have a crush on one of Nathan's roommates (who will remain nameless, all you need to know is that it was not Brandon.)

    In fact I didn't even know Brandon existed for the most of that fall semester.  It wasn't until Halloween when our whole apartment was over at Nathan's apartment that I even noticed Brandon and not in a good way. We were all watching a scary movie, (I was trying my best to put on a brave face so I didn't look like a wimp in front of the guy I was crushing on) when a particularly scary part of the movie came up and this guy sitting behind me leaned over and spooked me. I thought I was going to pee my pants! Well you guessed it, that weird random guy turned out to be Brandon and let me say he did not make the best first impression by doing that. 

   We ended up running into each other a couple more times throughout the month at different ward activities and would always make polite small talk but there was never really any spark there for me. Plus I still had a pretty big crush on his roommate and he was really busy with school that semester. It wasn't until nearly Thanksgiving break that we went on our first date and things started to change......

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I posted this on your Facebook as well, but I think every blog deserves comments, so I'm putting it here too:
    Can I just tell you how freaking adorable your blog is? And it is because of said blog that I felt inspired to start my own. But I love how you and Brandon met/the first time you noticed him, with the whole scary movie thing. From his post/perspective, he was totally flirting, and from yours, it sounds like you were pretty annoyed. Now THAT is a good story :)
